


The :nth-last-child() CSS pseudo-class matches elements based on their position among a group of siblings, counting from the end.

/* Selects every fourth element
   among any group of siblings,
   counting backwards from the last one */
:nth-last-child(4n) {
  color: lime;

Note: This pseudo-class is essentially the same as :nth-child, except it counts items backwards from the end, not forwards from the beginning.


The nth-last-child pseudo-class is specified with a single argument, which represents the pattern for matching elements, counting from the end.

Keyword values

Represents elements whose numeric position in a series of siblings is odd: 1, 3, 5, etc., counting from the end.
Represents elements whose numeric position in a series of siblings is even: 2, 4, 6, etc., counting from the end.

Functional notation

Represents elements whose numeric position in a series of siblings matches the pattern An+B, for every positive integer or zero value of n. The index of the first element, counting from the end, is 1. The values A and B must both be <integer>s.

Formal syntax

:nth-last-child( <nth> [ of <complex-selector-list> ]? )

<nth> = <an-plus-b> | even | odd
<complex-selector-list> = <complex-selector>#

<complex-selector> = <compound-selector> [ <combinator>? <compound-selector> ]*

<compound-selector> = [ <type-selector>? <subclass-selector>* [ <pseudo-element-selector> <pseudo-class-selector>* ]* ]!
<combinator> = '>' | '+' | '~' | [ '||' ]

<type-selector> = <wq-name> | <ns-prefix>? '*'
<subclass-selector> = <id-selector> | <class-selector> | <attribute-selector> | <pseudo-class-selector>
<pseudo-element-selector> = ':' <pseudo-class-selector>
<pseudo-class-selector> = ':' <ident-token> | ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')'

<wq-name> = <ns-prefix>? <ident-token>
<ns-prefix> = [ <ident-token> | '*' ]? |
<id-selector> = <hash-token>
<class-selector> = '.' <ident-token>
<attribute-selector> = '[' <wq-name> ']' | '[' <wq-name> <attr-matcher> [ <string-token> | <ident-token> ] <attr-modifier>? ']'

<attr-matcher> = [ '~' | | | '^' | '$' | '*' ]? '='
<attr-modifier> = i


Example selectors

tr:nth-last-child(odd) or tr:nth-last-child(2n+1)
Represents the odd rows of an HTML table: 1, 3, 5, etc., counting from the end.
tr:nth-last-child(even) or tr:nth-last-child(2n)
Represents the even rows of an HTML table: 2, 4, 6, etc., counting from the end.
Represents the seventh element, counting from the end.
Represents elements 5, 10, 15, etc., counting from the end.
Represents elements 4, 7, 10, 13, etc., counting from the end.
Represents the last three elements among a group of siblings.
p:nth-last-child(n) or p:nth-last-child(n+1)
Represents every <p> element among a group of siblings. This is the same as a simple p selector. (Since n starts at zero, while the last element begins at one, n and n+1 will both select the same elements.)
p:nth-last-child(1) or p:nth-last-child(0n+1)
Represents every <p> that is the first element among a group of siblings, counting from the end. This is the same as the :last-child selector.

Table example


      <td>First line</td>
      <td>Second line</td>
      <td>Third line</td>
      <td>Fourth line</td>
      <td>Fifth line</td>


table {
  border: 1px solid blue;

/* Selects the last three elements */
tr:nth-last-child(-n+3) {
  background-color: pink;

/* Selects every element starting from the second to last item */
tr:nth-last-child(n+2) {
  color: blue;

/* Select only the last second element */
tr:nth-last-child(2) {
  font-weight: 600;


Quantity query

A quantity query styles elements depending on how many of them there are. In this example, list items turn red when there are at least three of them in a given list. This is accomplished by combining the capabilities of the nth-last-child pseudo-class and the general sibling combinator.


<h4>A list of four items (styled):</h4>

<h4>A list of two items (unstyled):</h4>


/* If there are at least three list items,
   style them all */
li:nth-last-child(n+3) ~ li {
  color: red;



Specification Status Comment
Selectors Level 4
The definition of ':nth-last-child' in that specification.
Working Draft Matching elements are not required to have a parent.
Selectors Level 3
The definition of ':nth-last-child' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial definition.

Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 4 Yes 3.5 9 9 3.2
of <selector> syntax No ? No
See bug 854148.
? ? 9
Matches elements with no parent 57 ? 52 ? 44 ?
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support Yes Yes Yes 4 10 3.2 Yes
of <selector> syntax ? ? ? No
See bug 854148.
? 9 No
Matches elements with no parent 57 57 ? 52 44 ? 7.0

See also

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