


D header file for C99.

This module contains bindings to selected types and functions from the standard C header <time.h>. Note that this is not automatically generated, and may omit some types/functions from the original C header.

Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)
Sean Kelly, Alex Rønne Petersen
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
struct tm;
int tm_sec;

seconds after the minute [0-60]

int tm_min;

minutes after the hour [0-59]

int tm_hour;

hours since midnight [0-23]

int tm_mday;

day of the month [1-31]

int tm_mon;

months since January [0-11]

int tm_year;

years since 1900

int tm_wday;

days since Sunday [0-6]

int tm_yday;

days since January 1 [0-365]

int tm_isdst;

Daylight Savings Time flag

c_long tm_gmtoff;

offset from CUT in seconds

char* tm_zone;

timezone abbreviation

enum clock_t CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
nothrow @nogc @trusted clock_t clock();
nothrow @nogc @trusted double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time0);
nothrow @nogc @trusted time_t mktime(tm* timeptr);
nothrow @nogc @trusted time_t time(time_t* timer);
nothrow @nogc @trusted char* asctime(in tm* timeptr);
nothrow @nogc @trusted char* ctime(in time_t* timer);
nothrow @nogc @trusted tm* gmtime(in time_t* timer);
nothrow @nogc @trusted tm* localtime(in time_t* timer);
nothrow @nogc @system size_t strftime(char* s, size_t maxsize, in char* format, in tm* timeptr);
nothrow @nogc @trusted void tzset();
const(char)*[2] tzname;

© 1999–2018 The D Language Foundation
Licensed under the Boost License 1.0.