


The CanvasRenderingContext2D.textBaseline property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the current text baseline used when drawing text.


ctx.textBaseline = "top" || "hanging" || "middle" || "alphabetic" || "ideographic" || "bottom";


Possible values:

The text baseline is the top of the em square.
The text baseline is the hanging baseline. (Used by Tibetan and other Indic scripts.)
The text baseline is the middle of the em square.
The text baseline is the normal alphabetic baseline. Default value.
The text baseline is the ideographic baseline; this is the bottom of the body of the characters, if the main body of characters protrudes beneath the alphabetic baseline. (Used by Chinese, Japanese, and Korean scripts.)
The text baseline is the bottom of the bounding box. This differs from the ideographic baseline in that the ideographic baseline doesn't consider descenders.

The default value is "alphabetic".


Comparison of property values

This example demonstrates the various textBaseline property values.


<canvas id="canvas" width="550" height="500"></canvas>


var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

var baselines = ['top', 'hanging', 'middle', 'alphabetic', 'ideographic', 'bottom'];
ctx.font = '36px serif';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';

baselines.forEach(function (baseline, index) {
  ctx.textBaseline = baseline;
  var y = 75 + index * 75;
  ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, y + 0.5); ctx.lineTo(550, y + 0.5); ctx.stroke();
  ctx.fillText('Abcdefghijklmnop (' + baseline + ')', 0, y);

Edit the code below to see your changes update live in the canvas:


Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support Yes 12 3.5 9 Yes Yes
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support Yes Yes Yes 4 Yes Yes Yes

See also

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