


The toggle() method of the DOMTokenList interface removes a given token from the list and returns false. If token doesn't exist it's added and the function returns true.


tokenList.toggle(token, force);


A DOMString representing the token you want to toggle.
force Optional
A Boolean that, if included, turns the toggle into a one way-only operation. If set to false, the token will only be removed but not added again. If set to true, the token will only be added but not removed again.

Return value

A Booleanfalse if the token is not in the list after the call, or true if the token is in the list after the call.


In the following example we retrieve the list of classes set on a <span> element as a DOMTokenList using Element.classList. We then replace a token in the list, and write the list into the <span>'s Node.textContent.

First, the HTML:

<span class="a b">classList is 'a b'</span>

Now the JavaScript:

var span = document.querySelector("span");
var classes = span.classList;
span.onclick = function() {
  var result = classes.toggle("c");
  if(result) {
    span.textContent = "'c' added; classList is now '" + classes + "'.";
  } else {
    span.textContent = "'c' removed; classList is now '" + classes + "'.";

The output looks like this:


Specification Status Comment
The definition of 'toggle()' in that specification.
Living Standard Initial definition

Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support Yes 12 Yes 11 Yes Yes
force argument Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support Yes Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes
force argument Yes Yes ? ? Yes Yes Yes

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