


The read-only property sdpMid on the RTCIceCandidate interface returns a DOMString specifying the media stream identification tag of the media component with which the candidate is associated. This ID uniquely identifies a given stream for the component with which the candidate is associated.

This property can be configured by specifying the value of the sdpMid property when constructing the new candidate object using RTCIceCandidate(). If you call the constructor with an m-line string instead of an RTCIceCandidateInit object, the value of sdpMid is extracted from the specified candidate m-line string.


var sdpMid = RTCIceCandidate.sdpMid;


A DOMString which uniquely identifies the source media component from which the candidate draws data, or null if no such association exists for the candidate.

Note: Attempting to add a candidate (using addIceCandidate()) that has a value of null for either sdpMid or sdpMLineIndex will throw a TypeError exception.




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