


The RTCRtpSender method replaceTrack() replaces the track currently being used as the sender's source with a new MediaStreamTrack. The new track must be of the same media kind (audio, video, etc) and switching the track should not require negotiation.

Among the use cases for replaceTrack() is the common need to switch between the rear- and front-facing cameras on a phone. With replaceTrack(), you can simply have a track object for each camera and switch between the two as needed. See the example Switching cameras below.


trackReplacedPromise = sender.replaceTrack(newTrack);


newTrack Optional
A MediaStreamTrack specifying the track with which to replace the RTCRtpSender's current source track. The new track's kind must be the same as the current track's, or the replace track request will fail.

Return value

A Promise which is fulfilled once the track has been successfully replaced. The promise is rejected if the track cannot be replaced for any reason; this is commonly because the change would require renegotiation of the codec, which is not allowed (see Things that require negotiation).

If newTrack was omitted or was null, replaceTrack() simply stops the sender. No negotiation is required in this case.

When the promise is fulfilled, the fulfillment handler receives a value of undefined.


If the returned promise is rejected, one of the following exceptions is provided to the rejection handler:

Replacing the RTCRtpSender's current track with the new one would require negotiation.
The track on which this method was called is stopped rather than running.
The new track's kind doesn't match the original track.

Usage notes

Things that trigger negotiation

Not all track replacements require renegotiation. In fact, even changes that seem huge can be done without requiring negotation. Here are the changes that can trigger negotiaton:

  • The new track has a resolution which is outside the bounds of the bounds of the current track; that is, the new track is either wider or taller than the current one.
  • The new track's frame rate is high enough to cause the codec's block rate to be exceeded.
  • The new track is a video track and its raw or pre-encoded state differs from that of the original track.
  • The new track is an audio track with a different number of channels fom the original.
  • Media sources that have built-in encoders — such as hardware encoders — may not be able to provide the negotiated codec. Software sources may not implement the negotiated codec.


Switching video cameras

// example to change video camera, suppose selected value saved into window.selectedCamera

    video: {
      deviceId: {
        exact: window.selectedCamera
  .then(function(stream) {
    let videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
    PCs.forEach(function(pc) {
      var sender = pc.getSenders().find(function(s) {
        return s.track.kind == videoTrack.kind;
      console.log('found sender:', sender);
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Error happens:', err);


Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 65 Yes ? ? ? Yes
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support ? 65 ? ? ? Yes ?

See also

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