

Package pkix


Package pkix contains shared, low level structures used for ASN.1 parsing and serialization of X.509 certificates, CRL and OCSP.


Package files


type AlgorithmIdentifierSource

AlgorithmIdentifier represents the ASN.1 structure of the same name. See RFC 5280, section

type AlgorithmIdentifier struct {
        Algorithm  asn1.ObjectIdentifier
        Parameters asn1.RawValue `asn1:"optional"`

type AttributeTypeAndValueSource

AttributeTypeAndValue mirrors the ASN.1 structure of the same name in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-

type AttributeTypeAndValue struct {
        Type  asn1.ObjectIdentifier
        Value interface{}

type AttributeTypeAndValueSETSource 1.3

AttributeTypeAndValueSET represents a set of ASN.1 sequences of AttributeTypeAndValue sequences from RFC 2986 (PKCS #10).

type AttributeTypeAndValueSET struct {
        Type  asn1.ObjectIdentifier
        Value [][]AttributeTypeAndValue `asn1:"set"`

type CertificateListSource

CertificateList represents the ASN.1 structure of the same name. See RFC 5280, section 5.1. Use Certificate.CheckCRLSignature to verify the signature.

type CertificateList struct {
        TBSCertList        TBSCertificateList
        SignatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier
        SignatureValue     asn1.BitString

func (*CertificateList) HasExpiredSource

func (certList *CertificateList) HasExpired(now time.Time) bool

HasExpired reports whether certList should have been updated by now.

type ExtensionSource

Extension represents the ASN.1 structure of the same name. See RFC 5280, section 4.2.

type Extension struct {
        Id       asn1.ObjectIdentifier
        Critical bool `asn1:"optional"`
        Value    []byte

type NameSource

Name represents an X.509 distinguished name. This only includes the common elements of a DN. When parsing, all elements are stored in Names and non-standard elements can be extracted from there. When marshaling, elements in ExtraNames are appended and override other values with the same OID.

type Name struct {
        Country, Organization, OrganizationalUnit []string
        Locality, Province                        []string
        StreetAddress, PostalCode                 []string
        SerialNumber, CommonName                  string

        Names      []AttributeTypeAndValue
        ExtraNames []AttributeTypeAndValue // Go 1.5

func (*Name) FillFromRDNSequenceSource

func (n *Name) FillFromRDNSequence(rdns *RDNSequence)

func (Name) StringSource 1.10

func (n Name) String() string

String returns the string form of n, roughly following the RFC 2253 Distinguished Names syntax.

func (Name) ToRDNSequenceSource

func (n Name) ToRDNSequence() (ret RDNSequence)

type RDNSequenceSource

type RDNSequence []RelativeDistinguishedNameSET

func (RDNSequence) StringSource 1.10

func (r RDNSequence) String() string

String returns a string representation of the sequence r, roughly following the RFC 2253 Distinguished Names syntax.

type RelativeDistinguishedNameSETSource

type RelativeDistinguishedNameSET []AttributeTypeAndValue

type RevokedCertificateSource

RevokedCertificate represents the ASN.1 structure of the same name. See RFC 5280, section 5.1.

type RevokedCertificate struct {
        SerialNumber   *big.Int
        RevocationTime time.Time
        Extensions     []Extension `asn1:"optional"`

type TBSCertificateListSource

TBSCertificateList represents the ASN.1 structure of the same name. See RFC 5280, section 5.1.

type TBSCertificateList struct {
        Raw                 asn1.RawContent
        Version             int `asn1:"optional,default:0"`
        Signature           AlgorithmIdentifier
        Issuer              RDNSequence
        ThisUpdate          time.Time
        NextUpdate          time.Time            `asn1:"optional"`
        RevokedCertificates []RevokedCertificate `asn1:"optional"`
        Extensions          []Extension          `asn1:"tag:0,optional,explicit"`

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