package cs
import cs.StdTypes
Available on csstatic add (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static add (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static addI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static addI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static and (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static and (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static andI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static andI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static bneg (t:Int64):Int64
static bneg (t:Int64):Int64
static div (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static div (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static divI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static divI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static gt (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static gt (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static gte (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static gte (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static lt (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static lt (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static lte (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static lte (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Bool
static mod (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static mod (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static modI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static modI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static mul (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static mul (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static mulI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static mulI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static neg (t:Int64):Int64
static neg (t:Int64):Int64
static or (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static or (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static orI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static orI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static postDecrement (t:Int64):Int64
static postDecrement (t:Int64):Int64
static postIncrement (t:Int64):Int64
static postIncrement (t:Int64):Int64
static preDecrement (t:Int64):Int64
static preDecrement (t:Int64):Int64
static preIncrement (t:Int64):Int64
static preIncrement (t:Int64):Int64
static shl (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static shl (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static shlI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static shlI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static shr (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static shr (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static shrI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static shrI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static sub (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static sub (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static subI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static subI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static xor (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static xor (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int64):Int64
static xorI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
static xorI (lhs:Int64, rhs:Int):Int64
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