
/Haxe Lua


package lua

Available on lua

A set of utility methods for working with the Lua table extern.

Static methods

@:has_untyped static copy<A, B> (table1:Table<A, B>):Table<A, B>

static ipairsConcat<T> (table1:Table<Int, T>, table2:Table<Int, T>):Table<Int, T>

@:has_untyped static ipairsEach<T> (table:Table<Dynamic, T>, func:Int ‑> T ‑> Void):Void

@:has_untyped static ipairsExist<T> (table:Table<Int, T>, func:Int ‑> T ‑> Bool):Void

@:has_untyped static ipairsFold<A, B> (table:Table<Int, A>, func:Int ‑> A ‑> B ‑> B, seed:B ):B

@:has_untyped static ipairsMap<A, B> (table:Table<Dynamic, A>, func:Int ‑> A ‑> B ):Table<Int, B>

@:has_untyped static pairsEach<A, B> (table:Table<A, B>, func:A ‑> B ‑> Void):Void

@:has_untyped static pairsExist<A, B> (table:Table<A, B>, func:A ‑> B ‑> Bool):Void

@:has_untyped static pairsFold<A, B, C> (table:Table<A, B>, func:A ‑> B ‑> C ‑> C, seed:C ):C

@:has_untyped static pairsMap<A, B, C> (table:Table<A, B>, func:A ‑> B ‑> C ‑> C ):Table<A, C>

static pairsMerge<A, B> (table1:Table<A, B>, table2:Table<A, B>):Table<A, B>

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