
/Haxe Python


package python

from NativeIterableRaw<T> to NativeIterableRaw<T>,

Available on python

This type represents native Python iterables (objects that implement __iter__() method). It supports Haxe iteration and conversion to Iterable by creating wrapper objects.


@:impl inline iterator ():HaxeIterator<T>

Return Haxe Iterator object by wrapping this.__iter__() native iterator.

@:impl @:to inline toHaxeIterable ():HaxeIterable<T>

Return Haxe Iterable object wrapping this native iterable.

Static methods

@:impl static inline iterator ():HaxeIterator<T>

Return Haxe Iterator object by wrapping this.__iter__() native iterator.

@:impl @:to static inline toHaxeIterable ():HaxeIterable<T>

Return Haxe Iterable object wrapping this native iterable.

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