

Errors: CORSMultipleAllowOriginNotAllowed


Reason: Multiple CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ not allowed

What went wrong?

More than one Access-Control-Allow-Origin header was sent by the server. This isn't allowed.

Fortunately, as long as you have access to the server's configuration, fixing this is easy. The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header supports multiple origins, separated by commas, like this:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://mozilla.org, https://google.com, https://microsoft.com, https://apple.com

This would allow CORS requests from Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple's domains.

All you need to do is combine multiple Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers into a single one, with commas separating the origins gathered from each copy of the header.

Firefox, Chrome and Safari do not support multiple origins in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

See also

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