


The DataView view provides a low-level interface for reading and writing multiple number types in a binary ArrayBuffer, without having to care about the platform's endianness.


new DataView(buffer [, byteOffset [, byteLength]])


An existing ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer to use as the storage backing the new DataView object.
byteOffset Optional
The offset, in bytes, to the first byte in the above buffer for the new view to reference. If unspecified, the buffer view starts with the first byte.
byteLength Optional
The number of elements in the byte array. If unspecified, the view's length will match the buffer's length.

Return value

A new DataView object representing the specified data buffer. (That probably wasn't a very helpful description.)

You can think of the returned object as an "interpreter" of the array buffer of bytes — it knows how to convert numbers to fit within the buffer correctly, both when reading and writing to it. This means handling integer and float conversion, endianness, and other details of representing numbers in binary form.



Thrown if the byteOffset or byteLength parameter values result in the view extending past the end of the buffer.

For example, if the buffer is 16 bytes long, the byteOffset is 8, and the byteLength is 10, this error is thrown because the resulting view tries to extend 2 bytes past the total length of the buffer.



Multi-byte number formats are represented in memory differently depending on machine architecture — see Endianness for an explanation. DataView accessors provide explicit control of how data is accessed, regardless of the executing computer's endianness.

var littleEndian = (function() {
  var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2);
  new DataView(buffer).setInt16(0, 256, true /* littleEndian */);
  // Int16Array uses the platform's endianness.
  return new Int16Array(buffer)[0] === 256;
console.log(littleEndian); // true or false

64-bit Integer Values

Because JavaScript does not currently include standard support for 64-bit integer values, DataView does not offer native 64-bit operations. As a workaround, you could implement your own getUint64() method to obtain a value with precision up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which could suffice for certain cases.

DataView.prototype.getUint64 = function(byteOffset, littleEndian) {
  // split 64-bit number into two 32-bit (4-byte) parts
  const left =  this.getUint32(byteOffset, littleEndian);
  const right = this.getUint32(byteOffset+4, littleEndian);

  // combine the two 32-bit values
  const combined = littleEndian? left + 2**32*right : 2**32*left + right;

  if (!Number.isSafeInteger(combined))
    console.warn(combined, 'exceeds MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Precision may be lost');

  return combined;


All DataView instances inherit from DataView.prototype and allows the addition of properties to all DataView objects.

Specifies the function that creates an object's prototype. The initial value is the standard built-in DataView constructor.
DataView.prototype.buffer Read only
The ArrayBuffer referenced by this view. Fixed at construction time and thus read only.
DataView.prototype.byteLength Read only
The length (in bytes) of this view from the start of its ArrayBuffer. Fixed at construction time and thus read only.
DataView.prototype.byteOffset Read only
The offset (in bytes) of this view from the start of its ArrayBuffer. Fixed at construction time and thus read only.



Gets a signed 8-bit integer (byte) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets an unsigned 8-bit integer (unsigned byte) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets a signed 16-bit integer (short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets an unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets a signed 32-bit integer (long) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets a signed 32-bit float (float) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Gets a signed 64-bit float (double) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.


Stores a signed 8-bit integer (byte) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores an unsigned 8-bit integer (unsigned byte) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores a signed 16-bit integer (short) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores an unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores a signed 32-bit integer (long) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores an unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores a signed 32-bit float (float) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Stores a signed 64-bit float (double) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.


var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
var view = new DataView(buffer, 0);

view.setInt16(1, 42);
view.getInt16(1); // 42


Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
DataView() without new throws Yes Yes 40 No Yes ?
SharedArrayBuffer accepted as buffer 60 ? 55 ? ? ?
buffer 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
byteLength 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
byteOffset 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getFloat32 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getFloat64 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getInt16 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getInt32 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getInt8 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getUint16 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getUint32 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
getUint8 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setFloat32 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setFloat64 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setInt16 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setInt32 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setInt8 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setUint16 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setUint32 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
setUint8 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
prototype 9 12 15 10 12.1 5.1
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
DataView() without new throws ? ? ? 40 ? ? ?
SharedArrayBuffer accepted as buffer ? ? ? 55 ? ? ?
buffer 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
byteLength 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
byteOffset 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getFloat32 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getFloat64 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getInt16 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getInt32 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getInt8 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getUint16 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getUint32 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
getUint8 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setFloat32 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setFloat64 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setInt16 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setInt32 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setInt8 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setUint16 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setUint32 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
setUint8 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
prototype 4 Yes Yes 15 12 4.2 Yes
Basic support Yes
DataView() without new throws 0.12
SharedArrayBuffer accepted as buffer ?
buffer Yes
byteLength Yes
byteOffset Yes
getFloat32 Yes
getFloat64 Yes
getInt16 Yes
getInt32 Yes
getInt8 Yes
getUint16 Yes
getUint32 Yes
getUint8 Yes
setFloat32 Yes
setFloat64 Yes
setInt16 Yes
setInt32 Yes
setInt8 Yes
setUint16 Yes
setUint32 Yes
setUint8 Yes
prototype Yes

Compatibility notes

Starting with Firefox 40, DataView must be constructed with the new operator. Calling DataView() as a function without new will throw a TypeError.

var view = DataView(buffer, 0); 
// TypeError: calling a builtin DataView constructor without new is forbidden
var view = new DataView(buffer, 0);

See also

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