


Coroutines are experimental in Kotlin 1.1+. See details below

Some APIs initiate long-running operations (such as network IO, file IO, CPU- or GPU-intensive work, etc) and require the caller to block until they complete. Coroutines provide a way to avoid blocking a thread and replace it with a cheaper and more controllable operation: suspension of a coroutine.

Coroutines simplify asynchronous programming by putting the complications into libraries. The logic of the program can be expressed sequentially in a coroutine, and the underlying library will figure out the asynchrony for us. The library can wrap relevant parts of the user code into callbacks, subscribe to relevant events, schedule execution on different threads (or even different machines!), and the code remains as simple as if it was sequentially executed.

Many asynchronous mechanisms available in other languages can be implemented as libraries using Kotlin coroutines. This includes async/await from C# and ECMAScript, channels and select from Go, and generators/yield from C# and Python. See the description below for libraries providing such constructs.

Blocking vs Suspending

Basically, coroutines are computations that can be suspended without blocking a thread. Blocking threads is often expensive, especially under high load, because only a relatively small number of threads is practical to keep around, so blocking one of them leads to some important work being delayed.

Coroutine suspension is almost free, on the other hand. No context switch or any other involvement of the OS is required. And on top of that, suspension can be controlled by a user library to a large extent: as library authors, we can decide what happens upon a suspension and optimize/log/intercept according to our needs.

Another difference is that coroutines can not be suspended at random instructions, but rather only at so called suspension points, which are calls to specially marked functions.

Suspending functions

A suspension happens when we call a function marked with the special modifier, suspend:

suspend fun doSomething(foo: Foo): Bar {

Such functions are called suspending functions, because calls to them may suspend a coroutine (the library can decide to proceed without suspension, if the result for the call in question is already available). Suspending functions can take parameters and return values in the same manner as regular functions, but they can only be called from coroutines and other suspending functions, as well as function literals inlined into those.

In fact, to start a coroutine, there must be at least one suspending function, and it is usually a suspending lambda. Let's look at an example, a simplified async() function (from the kotlinx.coroutines library):

fun <T> async(block: suspend () -> T)

Here, async() is a regular function (not a suspending function), but the block parameter has a function type with the suspend modifier: suspend () -> T. So, when we pass a lambda to async(), it is a suspending lambda, and we can call a suspending function from it:

async {

Note: currently, suspending function types cannot be used as supertypes, and anonymous suspending functions are currently not supported.

To continue the analogy, await() can be a suspending function (hence also callable from within an async {} block) that suspends a coroutine until some computation is done and returns its result:

async {
    val result = computation.await()

More information on how actual async/await functions work in kotlinx.coroutines can be found here.

Note that suspending functions await() and doSomething() cannot be called from function literals that are not inlined into a suspending function body and from regular function like main():

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    doSomething() // ERROR: Suspending function called from a non-coroutine context 
    async { 
        computations.forEach { // `forEach` is an inline function, the lambda is inlined
            it.await() // OK
        thread { // `thread` is not an inline function, so the lambda is not inlined
            doSomething() // ERROR

Also note that suspending functions can be virtual, and when overriding them, the suspend modifier has to be specified:

interface Base {
    suspend fun foo()

class Derived: Base {
    override suspend fun foo() { ... }

@RestrictsSuspension annotation

Extension functions (and lambdas) can also be marked suspend, just like regular ones. This enables creation of DSLs and other APIs that users can extend. In some cases the library author needs to prevent the user from adding new ways of suspending a coroutine.

To achieve this, the @RestrictsSuspension annotation may be used. When a receiver class or interface R is annotated with it, all suspending extensions are required to delegate to either members of R or other extensions to it. Since extensions can't delegate to each other indefinitely (the program would not terminate), this guarantees that all suspensions happen through calling members of R that the author of the library can fully control.

This is relevant in the rare cases when every suspension is handled in a special way in the library. For example, when implementing generators through the buildSequence() function described below, we need to make sure that any suspending call in the coroutine ends up calling either yield() or yieldAll() and not any other function. This is why SequenceBuilder is annotated with @RestrictsSuspension:

public abstract class SequenceBuilder<in T> {

See the sources on Github.

The inner workings of coroutines

We are not trying here to give a complete explanation of how coroutines work under the hood, but a rough sense of what's going on is rather important.

Coroutines are completely implemented through a compilation technique (no support from the VM or OS side is required), and suspension works through code transformation. Basically, every suspending function (optimizations may apply, but we'll not go into this here) is transformed to a state machine where states correspond to suspending calls. Right before a suspension, the next state is stored in a field of a compiler-generated class along with relevant local variables, etc. Upon resumption of that coroutine, local variables are restored and the state machine proceeds from the state right after suspension.

A suspended coroutine can be stored and passed around as an object that keeps its suspended state and locals. The type of such objects is Continuation, and the overall code transformation described here corresponds to the classical Continuation-passing style. Consequently, suspending functions take an extra parameter of type Continuation under the hood.

More details on how coroutines work may be found in this design document. Similar descriptions of async/await in other languages (such as C# or ECMAScript 2016) are relevant here, although the language features they implement may not be as general as Kotlin coroutines.

Experimental status of coroutines

The design of coroutines is experimental, which means that it will be changed in the upcoming releases. When compiling coroutines in Kotlin 1.1+, a warning is reported by default: The feature "coroutines" is experimental. To remove the warning, you need to specify an opt-in flag.

Due to its experimental status, the coroutine-related API in the Standard Library is put under the kotlin.coroutines.experimental package. When the design is finalized and the experimental status lifted, the final API will be moved to kotlin.coroutines, and the experimental package will be kept around (probably in a separate artifact) for backward compatibility.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We advise library authors to follow the same convention: add the "experimental" (e.g. com.example.experimental) suffix to your packages exposing coroutine-based APIs so that your library remains binary compatible. When the final API is released, follow these steps:

  • copy all the APIs to com.example (without the experimental suffix),
  • keep the experimental package around for backward compatibility.

This will minimize migration issues for your users.

Standard APIs

Coroutines come in three main ingredients:

  • language support (i.s. suspending functions, as described above);
  • low-level core API in the Kotlin Standard Library;
  • high-level APIs that can be used directly in the user code.

Low-level API: kotlin.coroutines

Low-level API is relatively small and should never be used other than for creating higher-level libraries. It consists of two main packages:

More details about the usage of these APIs can be found here.

Generators API in kotlin.coroutines

The only "application-level" functions in kotlin.coroutines.experimental are

These are shipped within kotlin-stdlib because they are related to sequences. In fact, these functions (and we can limit ourselves to buildSequence() alone here) implement generators, i.e. provide a way to cheaply build a lazy sequence:

import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fibonacciSeq = buildSequence {
        var a = 0
        var b = 1
        while (true) {
            yield(a + b)
            val tmp = a + b
            a = b
            b = tmp

    // Print the first five Fibonacci numbers

This generates a lazy, potentially infinite Fibonacci sequence by creating a coroutine that yields consecutive Fibonacci numbers by calling the yield() function. When iterating over such a sequence every step of the iterator executes another portion of the coroutine that generates the next number. So, we can take any finite list of numbers out of this sequence, e.g. fibonacciSeq.take(8).toList() results in [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]. And coroutines are cheap enough to make this practical.

To demonstrate the real laziness of such a sequence, let's print some debug output inside a call to buildSequence():

import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val lazySeq = buildSequence {
        print("START ")
        for (i in 1..5) {
            print("STEP ")

    // Print the first three elements of the sequence
    lazySeq.take(3).forEach { print("$it ") }

Running the code above prints the first three elements. The numbers are interleaved with STEPs in the generating loop. This means that the computation is lazy indeed. To print 1 we only execute until the first yield(i), and print START along the way. Then, to print 2 we need to proceed to the next yield(i), and this prints STEP. Same for 3. And the next STEP never gets printed (as well as END), because we never requested further elements of the sequence.

To yield a collection (or sequence) of values at once, the yieldAll() function is available:

import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val lazySeq = buildSequence {

    lazySeq.forEach { print("$it ") }

The buildIterator() works similarly to buildSequence(), but returns a lazy iterator.

One can add custom yielding logic to buildSequence() by writing suspending extensions to the SequenceBuilder class (that bears the @RestrictsSuspension annotation described above):

import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*

suspend fun SequenceBuilder<Int>.yieldIfOdd(x: Int) {
    if (x % 2 != 0) yield(x)

val lazySeq = buildSequence {
    for (i in 1..10) yieldIfOdd(i)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    lazySeq.forEach { print("$it ") }

Other high-level APIs: kotlinx.coroutines

Only core APIs related to coroutines are available from the Kotlin Standard Library. This mostly consists of core primitives and interfaces that all coroutine-based libraries are likely to use.

Most application-level APIs based on coroutines are released as a separate library: kotlinx.coroutines. This library covers

  • Platform-agnostic asynchronous programming with kotlinx-coroutines-core:
    • this module includes Go-like channels that support select and other convenient primitives,
    • a comprehensive guide to this library is available here;
  • APIs based on CompletableFuture from JDK 8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8;
  • Non-blocking IO (NIO) based on APIs from JDK 7 and higher: kotlinx-coroutines-nio;
  • Support for Swing (kotlinx-coroutines-swing) and JavaFx (kotlinx-coroutines-javafx);
  • Support for RxJava: kotlinx-coroutines-rx.

These libraries serve as both convenient APIs that make common tasks easy and end-to-end examples of how to build coroutine-based libraries.

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