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Interface DynSequenceOperations

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public interface DynSequenceOperations
extends DynAnyOperations

DynSequence objects support the manipulation of IDL sequences.



int get_length()

Returns the current length of the sequence.


void set_length(int len)
         throws InvalidValue

Sets the length of the sequence. Increasing the length of a sequence adds new elements at the tail without affecting the values of already existing elements. Newly added elements are default-initialized. Increasing the length of a sequence sets the current position to the first newly-added element if the previous current position was -1. Otherwise, if the previous current position was not -1, the current position is not affected. Decreasing the length of a sequence removes elements from the tail without affecting the value of those elements that remain. The new current position after decreasing the length of a sequence is determined as follows:

  • If the length of the sequence is set to zero, the current position is set to -1.
  • If the current position is -1 before decreasing the length, it remains at -1.
  • If the current position indicates a valid element and that element is not removed when the length is decreased, the current position remains unaffected.
  • If the current position indicates a valid element and that element is removed, the current position is set to -1.
InvalidValue - if this is a bounded sequence and len is larger than the bound


Any[] get_elements()

Returns the elements of the sequence.


void set_elements(Any[] value)
           throws TypeMismatch,

Sets the elements of a sequence. The length of the DynSequence is set to the length of value. The current position is set to zero if value has non-zero length and to -1 if value is a zero-length sequence.

TypeMismatch - if value contains one or more elements whose TypeCode is not equivalent to the element TypeCode of the DynSequence
InvalidValue - if the length of value exceeds the bound of a bounded sequence


DynAny[] get_elements_as_dyn_any()

Returns the DynAnys representing the elements of the sequence.


void set_elements_as_dyn_any(DynAny[] value)
                      throws TypeMismatch,

Sets the elements of a sequence using DynAnys. The length of the DynSequence is set to the length of value. The current position is set to zero if value has non-zero length and to -1 if value is a zero-length sequence.

TypeMismatch - if value contains one or more elements whose TypeCode is not equivalent to the element TypeCode of the DynSequence
InvalidValue - if the length of value exceeds the bound of a bounded sequence

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