


pygame module for audio cdrom control

The cdrom module manages the CD and DVD drives on a computer. It can also control the playback of audio CDs. This module needs to be initialized before it can do anything. Each CD object you create represents a cdrom drive and must also be initialized individually before it can do most things.

pygame.cdrom.init() -> None

initialize the cdrom module

Initialize the cdrom module. This will scan the system for all CD devices. The module must be initialized before any other functions will work. This automatically happens when you call pygame.init().

It is safe to call this function more than once.

pygame.cdrom.quit() -> None

uninitialize the cdrom module

Uninitialize the cdrom module. After you call this any existing CD objects will no longer work.

It is safe to call this function more than once.

pygame.cdrom.get_init() -> bool

true if the cdrom module is initialized

Test if the cdrom module is initialized or not. This is different than the CD.init() since each drive must also be initialized individually.

pygame.cdrom.get_count() -> count

number of cd drives on the system

Return the number of cd drives on the system. When you create CD objects you need to pass an integer id that must be lower than this count. The count will be 0 if there are no drives on the system.


class to manage a cdrom drive
CD(id) -> CD

You can create a CD object for each cdrom on the system. Use pygame.cdrom.get_count() to determine how many drives actually exist. The id argument is an integer of the drive, starting at zero.

The CD object is not initialized, you can only call CD.get_id() and CD.get_name() on an uninitialized drive.

It is safe to create multiple CD objects for the same drive, they will all cooperate normally.

init() -> None

initialize a cdrom drive for use

Initialize the cdrom drive for use. The drive must be initialized for most CD methods to work. Even if the rest of pygame has been initialized.

There may be a brief pause while the drive is initialized. Avoid CD.init() if the program should not stop for a second or two.

quit() -> None

uninitialize a cdrom drive for use

Uninitialize a drive for use. Call this when your program will not be accessing the drive for awhile.

get_init() -> bool

true if this cd device initialized

Test if this CDROM device is initialized. This is different than the pygame.cdrom.init() since each drive must also be initialized individually.

play(track, start=None, end=None) -> None

start playing audio

Playback audio from an audio cdrom in the drive. Besides the track number argument, you can also pass a starting and ending time for playback. The start and end time are in seconds, and can limit the section of an audio track played.

If you pass a start time but no end, the audio will play to the end of the track. If you pass a start time and 'None' for the end time, the audio will play to the end of the entire disc.

See the CD.get_numtracks() and CD.get_track_audio() to find tracks to playback.

Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.

stop() -> None

stop audio playback

Stops playback of audio from the cdrom. This will also lose the current playback position. This method does nothing if the drive isn't already playing audio.

pause() -> None

temporarily stop audio playback

Temporarily stop audio playback on the CD. The playback can be resumed at the same point with the CD.resume() method. If the CD is not playing this method does nothing.

Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.

resume() -> None

unpause audio playback

Unpause a paused CD. If the CD is not paused or already playing, this method does nothing.

eject() -> None

eject or open the cdrom drive

This will open the cdrom drive and eject the cdrom. If the drive is playing or paused it will be stopped.

get_id() -> id

the index of the cdrom drive

Returns the integer id that was used to create the CD instance. This method can work on an uninitialized CD.

get_name() -> name

the system name of the cdrom drive

Return the string name of the drive. This is the system name used to represent the drive. It is often the drive letter or device name. This method can work on an uninitialized CD.

get_busy() -> bool

true if the drive is playing audio

Returns True if the drive busy playing back audio.

get_paused() -> bool

true if the drive is paused

Returns True if the drive is currently paused.

get_current() -> track, seconds

the current audio playback position

Returns both the current track and time of that track. This method works when the drive is either playing or paused.

Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.

get_empty() -> bool

False if a cdrom is in the drive

Return False if there is a cdrom currently in the drive. If the drive is empty this will return True.

get_numtracks() -> count

the number of tracks on the cdrom

Return the number of tracks on the cdrom in the drive. This will return zero of the drive is empty or has no tracks.

get_track_audio(track) -> bool

true if the cdrom track has audio data

Determine if a track on a cdrom contains audio data. You can also call CD.num_tracks() and CD.get_all() to determine more information about the cdrom.

Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.

get_all() -> [(audio, start, end, length), ...]

get all track information

Return a list with information for every track on the cdrom. The information consists of a tuple with four values. The audio value is True if the track contains audio data. The start, end, and length values are floating point numbers in seconds. Start and end represent absolute times on the entire disc.

get_track_start(track) -> seconds

start time of a cdrom track

Return the absolute time in seconds where at start of the cdrom track.

Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.

get_track_length(track) -> seconds

length of a cdrom track

Return a floating point value in seconds of the length of the cdrom track.

Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.

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